Screen Shot 2015-11-10 at 7.58.02 AMFrom THE VOICE  Facts or Fiction: 


Please make sure to check
Itunes and download Victor’s
songs that will help him more
then we know !!


Victor Kiraly’s Picture Gallery On THE VOICE

Take a look at Victor Kiraly’s Picture Galley ON THE VOICE: WHICH IS YOUR FAVORITE PICTURE? Victor is in LA gearing up for “THE VOICE LIVE SHOWS” ALL of you Victor Kiraly FANS out there, make sure you watch every week and VOTE! There are still 25+ contestants on THE VOICE as of  11-2-2015 so we need to VOTE!

Victor Kiraly!  ON Itunes


Victor KiralyRecent Interview With Victor Kiraly For Tv2 HUNGARY 

There was no doubt in OUR minds that VICTOR KIRALY would make it this far. We at Hungaria Radio have been monitoring and observing how these US Nationally Syndicated Reality Talent Shows work since they started about 15 years ago.